This is a handy little recipe to have up your sleeve. It’s quick enough to whip together if friends drop in and you need something to go with that tub of dip in the fridge or you really feel like a bread with your curry or soup. Leftovers can be warmed in a toaster and topped with an egg for breakfast. It is a sticky dough but don’t let that put you off, just make sure you have plenty of extra flour for dusting, as all the yoghurt is what makes the flatbreads so tender. You will notice that I use a wooden board for kneading, rolling etc, instead of the bench top as I find it much easier to fit a board into my sink for cleaning! Thanks Jamie Oliver for this little gem.
- 350 gm self raising flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 350 gm natural yoghurt
- Extra virgin olive oil (optional)
- Sea salt (optional)

Add the flour, yoghurt and baking powder to a bowl and mix together with a spoon.

Turn it out onto a large board or a clean bench top.

Knead for a minute or so to bring it all together. Adding more flour as necessary.

Divide the dough in half.

And then each half into 6 roughly even pieces.

Roll the pieces in extra flour and then roll out to rounds or ovals, roughly 2 – 3mm thick. Cutting a few lines through the middle of the breads if you wish. This makes them easier to cook all the way through but harder to transfer to the griddle pan.

Heat a griddle pan (or fry pan) on a high heat and cook each flatbread for 1 to 2 minutes a side, until puffed up, nicely marked.

Remove to a clean tea towel to keep warm and continue with the other flat breads. I like to brush over a little olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt as they come off the griddle pan.

You could brush with garlic or herb butter if you like, depending on what you are doing with the flatbreads.

Thanks to Charlie for being my photographer for much of this cook as floury hands and i-phones don’t mix. I hope you find this little recipe useful and if you do, please leave me a comment to let me know how you got on. Enjoy. Sheryl x